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Germany Ink Skin Art
Tattoo studio and expert on cover up & scar corrections in 53797 Lohmar Wahlscheid
Welcome to Germany Ink!
Who wants an off-the-shelf tattoo?
A tattoo should reflect your personality and really be individual.
Mass-produced items from tattoo template catalogues, which have been tattooed thousands of times around the world, just don't belong under the skin, we think.
And you will look in vain for catalogs with this mass-produced item in Tattoo-Studio Germany Ink , here every tattoo motif is "tailor-made" for you and your personality.
A tattoo should be unique, after all you carry it around with you for a lifetime, and that's exactly what we do here: unique pieces, in other words: custom work.
And if you are not really satisfied with an old tattoo or a youthful sin, then come here and we will conjure up something new and very personal for you.
Our specialties: Cover - up (piercing tattoos)
Custom tattooing