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Skin Art, Tattoos and more...



A tattoo is

a sign of personal freedom and individuality.

Some people want a tattoo related to their life, others just want an ornament.

No matter what it is, we  draw it by hand for you according to your ideas, so that in the end it is your very own tattoo.


After all, who wants an "off the shelf" tattoo  on their skin - an image that hundreds of other people are already carrying around with them?

We are artists and we design, draw and engrave your dream tattoo.



It is so,

that the tattoos are developed together with you in order to correspond exactly to you, your ideas and your personality.

That's why you've come to the right place if you want your very own tattoo.


Tattoos -

from the smallest character to the big body image.

From monochrome to colourful.

A tattoo that suits you - as unique as you are,



designed and engraved by Eyreen Sue at Germany Ink.



A few words on the subject of "tattoo appointment booking" ...


Attention! Important

please read:


At Germany Ink

Anyone over the age of 18 who can prove it with an ID card can be tattooed. From the age of 16 it is necessary for at least one legal guardian to come along - the consent of the second legal guardian must be in writing - the identity cards must be available, the names on the cards must be identical.


Tattoo appointments

are only awarded at Germany Ink against a deposit of 30% of the total price or at least 50 euros ... more during consultation ... in case we have our consultation only by the phone you can send a deposit in advance via PAYPAL.


Studio basic price is 100.- Euro.


Payment methods: cash, EC cash + secret number, Giropay + secret number

Your receipt for the deposit must be available at the time of the appointment.

If the appointment document is not available, the deposit will not be credited!

The appointment/deposit is binding. A payout is not possible.


The deposit will be forfeited if:

- the appointment document for the appointment is not available,

- the appointment is postponed without an important reason (telephone appointment cancellation at least 48 hours in advance!),

- the appointment is not kept.


A valid identity card or photo ID such as a driver's license must be presented at the appointment.




Three days before the appointment:

Do not take aspirin or other drugs containing acetylsalicylic.

Marcumar/Diabetespatienten: Please talk to us, we will explain the possibilities to you.


The day before the appointment

and on the day of tattooing:

- No alcohol/ no drugs

- Maximum one cup of coffee, black tea, cola in the morning


Please speak to us early

before the appointment with the following problems:

- taking medication

- Sunburn

- In the event of an acute illness (e.g. cold, runny nose, etc.)

- If you would like to have a different motif than what was agreed or you still have change requests


Should it

If you have an important reason for a postponement, please inform us in good time by telephone:

Mobile 0176-66858341


If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you at any time.


2019  Zuza/ Eyreen Sue

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